Friday, November 14, 2008

OCLC and the new record policy continued

More links to more posts about the continuing saga of OCLC's change in policy on record use:

This issue hasn't died; although it is no longer really being discussed on AUTOCAT and OCLC-Cat, two of the major cataloging discussion lists.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What's OCLC up to?

Links to a number of posts on OCLC's new and improved Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat records:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

OCLC - Who are you? Do we really want to know?

We have been discussing today the mysterious policy changes to OCLC's use of WorldCat records. Our team wondered when did OCLC became the bad guy? Our library programmer and I just had a conversation last week about how old and confusing we found the policy currently in place. When did we begin to automatically assume that any changes they make to their policies would make matters worse, instead of better. In part, we decided it is because they hold all our data and don't do some simple things to add value to it. We've also had some bad experiences in the past with their help desk and the new service model does not allay our fears. By removing our regional representative from the chain, they are taking out the local contact who put a face on the bloated body of OCLC. Perhaps they have gotten too big, and we find it hard to trust big corporations, whether they are "non-profit" or not. We are not quite sure whose best interests they have in mind.

There are three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the OCLC way! Which is the wrong way but slower. - D.W. (2008) a tribute to the Simpsons.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Some new research reports on Cataloging

If we purchase these, will I have time to read them?

Emerging Issues in Academic Library Cataloging & Technical Services

ISBN: 1-57440-086-X Publication Date: April 2007
This report presents nine highly detailed case studies of leading university cataloging and technical service departments. It provide insights into how they are handling ten major changes facing them, including: the encouragement of cataloging productivity; impact of new technologies and enhancement of online catalogs;
transition to metadata standards; cataloging of websites and digital and other special collections; library catalog and metadata training; database maintenance, holdings, and physical processing; relationship with Acquisitions; staff education; and other important issues. Survey participants represent academic libraries of varying sizes and classifications, with many different viewpoints. Universities surveyed are: Brigham Young; Curry College; Haverford College; Illinois, Louisiana and Pennsylvania State Universities; University of North Dakota; University of Washington; and Yale.

Price: $72.95
Price: $88.00 (PDF)

Academic Library Cataloging Practices Benchmarks

- Read Excerpt
ISBN 1-57440-106-8
This 254 page report presents data from a survey of the cataloging
practices of approximately 80 North American academic libraries. In
more than 630 tables of data and related commentary from participating
librarians and our analysts, the report gives a broad overview of
academic library cataloging practices related to outsourcing, selection
and deployment of personnel, salaries, the state of continuing education
in cataloging, and much more.
Data is broken out by size and type of college and for public and private
colleges. Survey participants also discuss how they define the catalogers
range of responsibilities, how they train their catalogers, how they assess
cataloging quality, whether they use cataloging quotas or other measures
to spur productivity, what software and other cataloging technology they
use and why, how they make outsourcing decisions and more.
Price: $89.50 (Print) Price: $98.00 (PDF)

Friday, September 5, 2008

An RDA summary

Looking for a summary of RDA? Here's an article by Ann Chapman of the Univ. of Bath. It's entitled, RDA: a cataloguing code for the 21st century.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Gordon Dunsire's presentation on RDA

From the IFLA satellite meeting on RDA, Gordon Dunsire's presentation,
RDA Vocabularies and Concepts. It was one of the most interesting parts of the day.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Key dates for RDA

  • 13 October 2008 - full draft of content released in online product for comment. Ready for final review
  • 19 January 2009 - comment period closes
  • Early March 2009 - Joint Steering Committee (JSC) and Committee of Principals (CoP) meet in Chicago. JSC will go over comments generated from final draft and incorporate them into RDA.
  • Third quarter 2009 - RDA is released
  • Last quarter 2009-early 2010 - CoP national libraries (LC, NLC, etc.) evaluate RDA prior to implementation
Dates taken from Pam Gatenby's presentation at the RDA Satellite meeting on Aug. 8:

RDA not AACR2rev.

Over the next two years, we'll be looking at learning and implementing the content standard, RDA (Resource Description and Access). MARC21 is the current standard that describes the storage and display of data. RDA is the standard for the content. It's based on the model of FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records), FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data) and the upcoming FRSAR (Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data).

Bib blog gives summary of RDA meeting

Presentation on implementing RDA

RDA online

Drafts of the RDA standard

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Life in the Cataloging Department

Right now, the entire Cataloging department feels like we are just staying one step ahead of a looming disaster. Any minute something will happen and we will be covered over in an avalanche of books.

But we hope that given a little time and a chance to get Promptcat working, we'll be skiing on top of the avalanche instead of buried six feet under it.

Friday, August 1, 2008


We hope the transition to RDA will be like this.

And not like this ....

Basically the switch to RDA (Resource Description and Access)pulls the rules and standards that we have been depending on out from under the cataloging department. We will try to keep everything standing while we do it but we may drop a few glasses while we are transitioning. The trickiest part of all will be putting the new tablecloth back underneath all the stuff on the table without moving any of it.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Comic book on copyright

Perhaps this would be useful for CAS352?

Center for the Study of Public Domain at Duke University

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is this blog for?

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with this blog. I don't really have time to create long posts about work, life, etc. It's handy to play around with and see how other software works besides our library CMS.

Claims to be worth my time

ALA OITP panel on the Future of American Libraries in the 21st Century. The panel was Stephen Abrahm, Jose-Marie Griffith, and Joan Frye Williams.